Time for a new approach to
Print MIS

be free to work

The All-New Tungsten

The new Tungsten embodies a completely new approach to Print MIS. Designed to be more like an intelligent assistant rather than a passive information repository, Tungsten works behind the scene, intelligently sifting the information it has to prioritise what you need to know, and what you need to do, and presents this in an easy-to-read interface which takes you straight to the functions you need.

Our aim is to make Tungsten work in the same way as the avionics in a modern military aircraft – operating the aircraft itself and telling the pilot if there’s something they need to know or do – so they are free to concentrate on the important things, like flying…

Tungsten. Be free to work.

The new Tungsten is due for release later this year. If you are interested (or would like to become a beta tester) please contact us using the form below or on 01223 782800

Integrated Online Estimating

With Tungsten Online your customers can get prices whenever they want - on an online portal straight to the pricing engine on your server.

Adaptive display

Your screen keeps pace with the situation, so that both your to-do list and the info display reflect current priorities and events. Being confident that you are fully informed leaves you free to concentrate on what your company does best...

Hands-off auto-scheduling

Our scheduling engine automatically arranges the schedule for each profit centre, using either conventional rules or a more advanced just-in-time philosophy.

We listen

Tungsten is designed to be customised, so that you can work your way, not ours… We listen to your ideas, and we’ll change the system if necessary. Free of charge if it’s a good idea.

Tungsten Features

Some features of the current version of Tungsten

Tungsten Online

Tungsten extends to give your customers their own portal to get their own prices, place orders, and get status updates

Integrated with PDQ

With PDQ anyone can do an estimate – with the right press, the right pricing structure, and an email to the client – all in seconds.


Tungsten integrates with Coreprint from Vpress to provide web2print to your customers. Vpress orders come straight into Tungsten as jobs for processing.

Shopfloor data collection

By tracking each job through the process, you have real-time visibility of individual job status, early warning of late delivery and all the information to plan your work and optimise efficiency. 

Despatch app

Tungsten Despatch allows you to manage your deliveries with real-time status and proof of delivery all in a convenient smartphone app.


Using the embedded industry standard reports engine, view data any way you want. Our advanced key performance indicator module also allows you to configure and monitor your own KPIs.

Our Blog


It wasn’t movable type, it was Tungsten that revolutionised printing.

Johannes Gutenberg

Goldsmith, Germany (*at least, he probably said it...)

about us

So this is what we look like, even if it’s not what we normally wear… The five of us together have a long association with the print industry, and have designed, developed and supported software for this and also a wide range of other industries.  We develop for desktop, web, and android and iOS devices from our base near Cambridge, and like to think we’re especially good at innovative software solutions that fit your business ‘like a glove’.

Get in Touch

Drop us a line using this form or call us on 01223 782800 and we'll be in touch to see how we can help
Here for you

Support during normal office hours (and at other times if we can)

2B or not Limited

Uk Reg. 5084751
VAT: 800 3157 82
01223 782800


PO Box 654

Keep in touch

Below you will find the CSS for disabling animations on tablet/mobile, enable animation delay on desktop, IE fixes